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Content is NOT King!  


The phrase 'Content is King' has become a mantra for the successful Internet Marketeer and the black-hat SEO consultant alike. It has fuelled my own business and provided me with countless opportunities to connect with individuals and businesses in the UK and Europe, all seeking an advantage over the competition through impressive article content and attractive copy.
I run a creative business that produces both article content and web copy. What's the difference? Content is generally designed to produce traffic, to bring people to your website. Copy is designed to make the customer click 'buy'. The difference isn't subtle, but it is vital.
Quantity vs. Quality
Generally copy equates to quality and content equates to quantity. In the world of SEO web content and copy, that's just how it plays.
I want to change this. I want a revolution of quality. Content can be high quality, copy can be produced in quantity. High quality copy-style content can be produced in volume. We shouldn't be filling the Internet, this amazing research resource with meaningless drivel. Paying some computer literate English-speaking writer in the Third World to produce semi-English articles at $1 per page is not helpful, it is content, but it is the lowest quality copy that might get a click, but is unlikely to make a sale. Content generates leads, copy produces sales.
You can employ a so-called SEO expert who doesn't use writers, they just take articles and put them through the article blender, they use content re-writing software that takes in someone else's articles and churns them out as article-garbage at the other end. However, if you want customers and not just clicks, you need an article writer. If you want clients you need a content writer to write the articles that will draw their attention to you. Real SEO experts know:
Content is not King. Quality Content is King.
Employing a professional content writer is an investment in increased traffic and sales. It's more than just raising your ranked position on Google, although that is very important. It's also about connecting with and effectively communicating with the potential customer or client. It's sharing an idea, a vision, a service, benefit or product with someone who could gain from what you have to offer. Sharing the benefits by using professional quality content writers means articulating those benefits in an attractive and appealing way that informs the client and educates them about your product or services. It's not just bringing the horse to water; it's encouraging it to drink at the same time. If you want the customer or client to search, click and buy from you in one action -
Superior Content is King.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Monday, August 26, 2019 -

How to Adapt Your Website's SEO Strategy  


Google has been updating and changing its algorithms for a few years now and webmasters need to keep up with the changes in order to climb the ranks of the Search Engine Ratings Pages (SERPS). Google is constantly (it seems) seeking to provide relevant, high quality content to its users in order to maintain its market share in the search engine scene.
For more than ten years, links and anchor text were integral to SEO, but this is no longer the case. Now webmasters should not solicit links, and any links should be relevant to high quality content, which is crucial to a site's success, or lack of it, in rising up the SERPS. The key words these days are repute and trust.
There are two new words in SEO which Google introduced in 2013; these are co-concurrence and co-citation. Let's take a look at what they mean and what they imply for webmasters.
Keywords, those all-important means of finding the article or site you are specifically looking for should not just be listed at the foot of an article, but they should lie within, or very close to, a link. Articles should never be over-stuffed with key words, as the emphasis is on making the content read fluently. If keywords play too much of a role in a text, the fluency is often lost.
This term refers to being mentioned in the same sentence, or at least on the same page as a website which has a very good reputation, and authority on the topic or brand, for example, that you are writing about. In the past Google has penalized people who have actively sought inbound links from other website; now you have to cite a reputed site, for instance, instead of using a link. It isn't simply that quality content is king, but that articles and other texts have references to others with a solid reputation in the same field.
Bad Links a Problem?
Webmasters have been plagued with the fear of having bad links which Google has said it will penalize for some time. Google has been sending out mixed messages about these, as it has, on the one hand, given webmasters the Disavow Links Tool, which serves to allow webmasters to tell Google which links they believe it should ignore. However, on the other hand, Google has been telling webmasters that it would be best if they didn't actually use the tool, but fixed those pesky bad links and removed them.
However, links are not bad in themselves and 'good' links are acceptable - Google hasn't outlawed all links. It is simply trying to make certain that all links are relevant to content. You may want to watch a video on YouTube by Mark Cutts of Google about good and bad links, although his responses to questions put by Eric Enge are not always as clear cut as webmasters would like. He points out that hacking blogs is illegal, and so should be penalized, and he also states that having a strong social media presence (followers on Google+, Twitter and Facebook, for example) is a good way to build links. You engage your followers and then produce content which is relevant to them, this gets you more visibility and helps get your content ranked more highly (in theory at least).
Google has promised to supply webmasters with examples of bad links, but so far has not done so. That means that everyone is at least a little in the dark. However what we understand now, is that all links are not inherently bad, and so will not be penalized. The basic message is to work harder to ensure your quality is high, and don't use what Google considers underhand methods of SEO.
Try to go through your website and weed out any links which are not explicitly relevant to your content, or use the Google Disavow Links Tool.
What you can also do is visit the Webmaster Forum every once in a while to discover what is going on in this area. Also subscribe (it's free), to Web Pro News to keep up to date with new developments. After all, you don't want to be left out in the cold. Keeping up with all Google's changes has become a bit of a nightmare, but stay with it and hopefully your site will rise to the top 10 in the SERPS.

If you found this article interesting, read my other articles on Internet and SEO on this site. Comments are always welcome, and if you wish to contact me about writing for you, please do so by emailing me: lynneev10@gmail.com

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Monday, August 26, 2019 -

How Google Will Rate Your Site  


Search Engine Optimisation should be a major part of any online businesses marketing strategy. The fact is that nowadays search engines are the first port of call for online shoppers and resultant businesses are forced to optimise to fit these engines. This applies in particular to Google due to their overwhelming market share. But how does Google go about measuring the value of sites.
Well, first and foremost comes great content. That is the foundation on which Google wants the internet to be built. It makes sense to as the most valuable sites are those with worthwhile content. That's what draws people in and gets links to your site.
Backlinks are a very good measure of your sites strength. The better your site the more people will post links to your site from other sites. Google values your site partly based on the number of these links your site has and the value of the sites providing them.
Another measure is the number of indexed pages. This once again is based on your content as the more good content you have on more pages the more pages Google is likely to index. For this it is important to have your site well organised and possibly invest some time in developing a blog.
Other than these factors which take considerable time and effort, there is one area where you can almost instantly improve the quality and Google's view of your site. This is done through onsite work, whereby you fix certain elements such as the title, URL, description and header tags so that they accurately represent your site. In doing this you make it easier for Google and users to determine what your site is all about making it more reliable and potentially higher ranked in search engines.
Of course once you get your site highly ranked it's still down to you to ensure that your site is consistently providing quality content as well as being reliable. Security is always vital and you might want to consider employing a money transfer service. This will allow you to process each credit card transaction more efficiently.
As a result of adjusting your site and ensuring it is effectively optimised for quality you will find that you can boost your rankings in Google and hopefully bring in more customers.

Sam Qam's website employs a money transfer service to handle each credit card transaction on his site.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Monday, August 26, 2019 -

How to Boost Your Ranking with Google!  


Google is a Beast! The King of all search engines! If you have an Online Business, then Google can make your job a heck of a lot easier! But how can you beat the veterans at their own game?
To be notice you need to get on the first page of any search engine. And no! I am not talking about pay-per-clicks. That is a very competitive environment that can cost you more to run a campaign then you will receive in income!
So, what can you do to boost your ranking with Google? First, everyone knows about the basics, keywords, density, and new content. This will help your ranking with Google, but most people don't know about the other things that can boost your ranking.
First, what you already know, keywords and keyword phrases.
If you look closely, I have used "To Boost your ranking with Google" three times already. Why, because that is how you found me! Out of all the websites and blogs, this keyword phrase that I have been using has directed my page to you.
You want to pick out about three keywords or phrases that will explain what you are writing about. You want to sprinkle them around to keep your density up. Do not abuse the system though as I found out the hard way what Google spiders will do!
Your keywords should be something the average searcher will type. For example, you might write something about lower back pain right. If you use one of Googles free tool to find out good keywords like keyword track and type in lower back pain, it will give you all the keywords that are associated with that phrase. You want to pick the highest ones and use those.
I know, I know, "But, Gary, isn't everyone else using the same keywords?" Yes! But I'd rather play the game then be in a league of my own with no fans. Think about it. If your talking about lower back pain, you want to pick a keyword like lower back pain not Erector Spinae pain. People won't search for that.
Next, is your density. To Boost your ranking with Google, you want your keywords density to be about 4 % of your entire article. This will boost your chance without putting you in the red.
When Googles spiders look for your keyword, they like to see it a lot. That will tell the spiders that this is what this article is about. You can use a tool from Google. Just type in keyword density and use the free ones.
Next is your content. To Boost your ranking with Google, you must change your content regularly. Googles spiders hate left over night. Get the picture. Even if you have to right your articles over and over again putting more and more information in the mix, if it's keeping you on the first page then go for it!
Now, the good stuff! Back links! What is a back link? A Back link is another blog or website that is comparable to your site or niche. This is a lot like a tag-team event. You are buddy backing off of one another to Boost your ranking with Google. If you get about three or more back links this will definitely power up your Google ranking.
Simply contact the owner of the page and present the offer. But, be sure to buddy up with people that have a slightly better page rank then you. If you go the other route then your page will suffer. A thousand ones are only a thousand, but a hundred tens, in Google eyes, are ten thousand!
Next are Article Hubs. If you want to Boost your ranking with Google, not submitting articles to Article Hubs is a mortal sin! This mostly free technique is the Grandfather of buddy backing. Your article, with a back link to your website, will push you up and beyond the rest! Article Hubs are Google spider's favorite five-course meal.
This is what the gurus do and why this is such a hidden piece of information.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Monday, August 26, 2019 -

Explaining the Ranking of Google  


So basically the Google ranking is given by the PageRank algorithm that is like this:
PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) +... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn)) where: PR(A) is the PageRank of page A, PR(Ti) is the PageRank of pages Ti which link to page A, C(Ti) is the number of outbound links on page Ti and d is a damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1.
Here we see some interesting things: PageRank does not rank sites as a unit. Instead determines for each page individually. Also, you can see that the formula is recursively, where the Pagerank of page A is defined by the PageRanks of those pages that link to page A. So something you should consider is inbound and outbound links.
Link submission is a crucial part of ranking in Google so I will explain to you how I get ready for this process: To start this process you will need some Anchor text and description that fit best your site. This is, create a few (5 o 6 to begin with) mixing keywords. Place the keyword both in the Anchor Text (title) and Description. Anchors usually can contain between 1 and 6 words and description can be up to 250 characters (this depends on the directory).
Later you can submit your site to many free Directories. Just Google search "Free Web Directories".
Here is also a small recommendation of SEO friendly directories that have really high Pagerank and can help you build a nice quality traffic:
1 ipl.org 2 dmoz.org 3 freeprwebdirectory.com 4 adirect2z.com 5 mastermoz.com 6 nuoret.org 7 searchsight.com 8 searchwiz.com 9 arakne-links.com 10 directory-free.com

Information like this will help you understand Google PageRank, and also improve your site ranking

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 -

Does Your Website Smell of Bacon  


Imagine the scene, it's a beautiful sunny crisp February morning, you're enjoying a quiet stroll in the countryside, your breath is forming a small cloud each time you exhale, and you feel a general sense of well-being as you start to notice the faintest smell, a delicious desirable familiar scent and you wonder, what does that remind me of?
You walk a bit further, the smell growing ever stronger and you ask yourself, what is that wonderful odour? You carry on, and as you get closer you hear it, a familiar sound, and you put two and two together, the sound, the smell, the unmistakeable sizzling and crackling, of bacon rashers, frying in a pan and you feel your stomach start to rumble. Someone walks around the corner just ahead of you, biting into a steaming hot delicious crispy bacon butty and your mouth waters and you think, I've just got to have one of those right now.
All very appetising, but what has this got to do with Web Design and SEO?
The point is a winning web site is a web site that will attract visitors from a distance, (SEO and promotion), and compel them to take action. Just like the delicious smell of bacon cooking draws you in from a distance, a well planned SEO strategy will draw in targeted prospects to your web site and well designed irresistible content will compel them to take action.
How can I get my website to smell like sizzling bacon?
Just like a delicious crispy bacon butty, it's all about the ingredients.
You will need a good quality website, by good quality I mean it should be well coded, beautiful to look at, user friendly, contain rich and original content and be a call to action for your customers.
You will need a well planned search engine optimisation strategy. This subject itself is a series of articles, but here are a few key points you need to consider.
Understanding your business objectives
You need to know what you want to achieve form your SEO. This gives you the opportunity to establish your goals and understand your business and its unique challenges.
Check your web site for code issues
One of the least obvious mentioned areas of SEO is poor web design. A web site may look wonderful on the surface, but if the code is poorly written or contains lots of redundant code, or the site lacks text, has duplicate content or just has poor quality content, all of these can have a devastating effect on your ranking.
Keyword research
It is extremely important to understand the keywords and phrases that your customers are using. There are a variety of available tools to achieve this. In doing this kind of research you can target those keywords within your web site. We often find during this process keyword phrases that are used by our customers but not used by competitors. Always a bonus!
Detailed analysis of competition
Looking at your competitors web sites, especially those that rank at the top can provide valuable insights. For example, you can find out who links to them, what search phrases they are strong in (and which are they missing out on). It is always a good idea to know who your competition is and what they are doing!
Installation of site analytic tools
Site analytic tools show you how people found your site, what they searched for or where they clicked from and what pages looked at, how long they stayed and what route they took through your site. Obviously this information is valuable, it's valuable for measuring the whether or not your visitors are finding what they are looking for and whether they are taking action. Imagine you're investing in a Pay Per Click campaign, you really want to know if the visitors you have paid for actually bought something or got in touch.
Review/Create a linking plan
Search engines look at links like they are personal recommendations. If you have plenty of high quality links to your site, it is like having lots of people say "what a great company". It is how they differentiate between two similar competing web sites. Please note though, "high quality links", not all links are equal! We also weed out the ones that may be harming your site!
Creation of search engine sitemaps
Search engines use sitemaps to crawl your web site. That is not to say your website will not be crawled if you do not have one, but all of it will be crawled if you do. Search engines like sitemaps because it speeds up the process.
Creation of Robots File
Robot files tell search engine which pages to visit and which ones to ignore. Sometimes, especially if you have for some important reason duplicate content, it is a good idea to get search engine robots to ignore all but one of the duplicate pages. You do this with a robot.txt file.
Review of current authority
You're probably already an expert at what you do, but does your web site reflect that, and more importantly does it reflect it to the search engines. The more of an expert you are as assessed by the information on your web site, the more quality traffic and links you will receive, the more important your site will be perceived, the higher up the rankings you will go.
On page optimisation
You will need to optimise each page to make them a search engine friendly as possible for a particular key word set.
A review of available site statistics
If you check your existing site statistics and analytics (assuming you have some). There is usually a wealth of information available the you can use to boost your current rankings.
Regular written updates
Effective SEO is an ongoing process that needs to be monitored. If you are serious about generating more business through your website then you need a proper plan and a strategy and you need to know what is working and what isn't.
Content development and copy writing
Search engines are about providing high quality accurate responses to customer queries, they are about content. People are looking for answers, answers are found in quality content. Analyse your existing content, create blogs, and write articles so your site continuously grows with quality content. Be an expert.
Social media
Social media has expanded enormously over the past few years and cannot be ignored. It is now a massive potential market place and we have strategies for utilising this media.

A38.com offers a range of irresistible web design and SEO packages. For an informal chat with our head bacon fryer about how we can make your web site compel like a sizzling bacon butty, visit our website and we'll get the stove on!
This article was written by Ian Bertie. Ian is the propriator of A38.com a web design and SEO company based in Plymouth and established in 1997. In his spare time he is a member of Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team, and a qualified SARDA Mountain Rescue Dog Handler. If you would like more information about web design or SEO, Ian would be pleased to hear from you.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 -

C Class IP Addresses Playing Lead Role in SEO Hosting  


SEO hosting has become a necessity for all the websites that need their rankings to go up or stay contestant at the topmost position, so they may benefit from the traffic. The current practice is absolutely based on the building of backlink phenomenon but it is in a much more sophisticated and articulated manner. This new method is in absolute sync with the present rules and regulations of the search engines. Here the use of C Class IP addresses positively enhances the revenue generating performance of the website manifold.
Previously the backlinking was done without any kind of restrictions. The webmasters could create as many micro websites with a direct link to their own main website as well as post their links to the discussion forms or blog farms. There was no system of check or scrutiny by any search engine authorities. This increased the spamming manifold, which compromised the possibility of the genuine websites to come on the top most positions with their quality products. Any website, irrespective of their common or special product and services could rank higher with the ease of spamming. This wasn't good for the internet at large, neither for the website owners who offered the best of services and products to the masses.
Anyone and everyone who has the knowledge as well as time to spam could elevate their website to the top position of the search engine result page. With internet becoming an integral part of our daily life, the search engines have strengthened their rules and regulations towards backlinking as well as all the other promotional activities that any website owner could partake. Now spamming could put a website on a downhill track, with a very negative ranking that would consequently put all the search engines, refrain themselves from bringing the website up; unless it doesn't correct its anomalies.
Now the unlimited usage of different C Class IP addresses comes handy as they do not violate the search engine algorithm rules and regulations. One can have their main website with a particular C Lass IP address, while multiple small blog sites that backlink to this main website are put on different Class C IP hosting. This way the search engine bot can't recognize the ownership connectivity to this bunch of micro website with the main website. However, now the search engine has identified the website to have a good volume of backlinks that connect each other. Now since the website has a high volume of different backlinks, hence it is easy for it to be recognized as a reliable website by the search engine bot.
This practice multiplies the probability of quick escalation, of the website to the topmost position in combination with the keyword optimization. The entire process costs a very reasonable price while SEO is an ongoing practice that will benefit many times more in comparison to the common SEO techniques without the usage of C Class IP addresses. Using the Class C IP and combining it with multiple IP hosting method is the best way to succeed through SEO hosting.

SEOHost.com is one of the best SEO hosting provider which provides cheap SEO hosting services around the world who seek a way to ensure that their websites reach the top ranks of all major search engines. Also they provide those services by their affordable SEO hosting plans.Also they are doing multiple C class IP hosting using different unique class c IP addresses and dedicated hosting servers.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 -

Google Case Sensitive Search  


Several weeks ago the question of a new Google case sensitive search started appearing in a couple of message boards. I've noticed this phenomenon myself especially over the last two weeks when working on a particular customer's website.
This issue impacted communication with the customer. At first, I thought it was a matter of the client and myself looking at results from two different data centers. Then I realized that the client was using capital letters in some words but not in others while searching and this impacted the results in Google.
For years, Google and the other search engines have stated that their searches are not case sensitive. But, now that seems not to be the case for some keyword phrases. You'll have to note, however, that not all keyword phrases are impacted by the use or non-use of capital letters.
I've experimented somewhat with this and the results are mixed. Those who have weighed in on the message boards have also reported mixed results as well. There is a thread on the Digital Point forum that talks about this issue and the use of "Cool Time" versus "cool time" while searching Google.
Some people report seeing different results while others don't. I can verify that I do see different results from these two searches. For me, when doing this search, the first two spots in the SERPs are the same, while the third spot on down are a bit different.
There are also threads over at Search Engine Watch and Webmaster World that are reporting the phenomenon but not the impact of the same issue. Now, the first question that pops to mind is "why?" What is the motivation for having a Google case sensitive search?
Right now, I can only speculate. Perhaps this is one attempt to thwart blog comment or message board spam? Or, perhaps this is an attempt to differentiate between a company's official name or a product name and a generic word.
The impact of this Google case sensitive search could be large for some sites. Perhaps their company name is part of their primary homepage key phrase and they rank well when using capital letters for their company name. But, suppose most searchers type in lower case and the same website doesn't rank as well in lower case.
This also brings to mind another question. Will link-builders now have to use anchor text with both upper and lower case letters in order to achieve optimal results in the Google SERPs? Do capital letters now affect the title and meta tag areas?
For many business owners case sensitive search will be a non-issue. But, for those that are affected knowing the answers to these questions may have a very large impact on their bottom lines.

Copyright © SEO Services
Tom Stevens writes about and practices search engine optimization, Internet marketing and SEO services for many clients who prefer going old school.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 -

Changing Web Marketing Scenario  


Almost everyone from interactive advertising agencies to any web advertising agency worth its salt to business owners who are looking to turn their online presence into a revenue-generating business venture has heard of "search engine optimization", although they all may have half baked ideas about what exactly it entails.
The earlier practice was to select some keywords, place them (or stuff them, as was the norm earlier) in the web content, throw in some meta tags (again stuffed with keywords), submit the website in directories and exchange of few links with other sites.
But that practice has for long been on its way out. Neither is it enough to make your website search friendly enough, not is it looked upon favorably by either the search engines or your customers.
Typical search engine optimization is not enough any more to established your online presence or your brand. With Web 2.0 firmly in and Web 3.0 peeping on the horizon, these are times to let people, the end users take the decision, take your message forward in so many shapes as Web-video, web-audio, web discussions, articles, blogs, forums, postings in social networking sites (SNS) and what not.
SEO in these times is about delivering the marketing message to the targeted audience, not just make it SE friendly. If latter is your choice, or you are still stuck in the old method of SEO, you will end up corrupting or distorting the message by techniques aimed at attracting search engine robots. This way you will drive away real people who may actually be potential customers.
8 Milestones To Success
With Web 2.0, audio and video content have become very effective method of delivering marketing messages over the Web. But before you as a web marketer jump on to the bandwagon, do go over following points to ponder:
(a)These multi media messages should not be cost prohibitive so that even small and medium-sized companies could afford professional Web-audio and Web-video. They are the real revenue earner for you.
(b)Remember the website design is about delivering the marketing message effectively and unequivocally and not just search engine optimization. This point is particularly important for web design firms who double as web advertising agencies.
(c)Professionally done Web-audio and Web-video requires more than just the ability to use a video camera. So avoid a rush job as professional multimedia story-telling requires a unique set of creative skills and technical ability.
(d)Make sure that all messages whether on the web or offline confirm to each other whether you have been developer of all these messages or not.
(e)Evaluate business opportunities in the broader sense of marketing. Build viable partnerships by sitting down and taking a hard look at how various factors might complement your message.
(f)Don't ever forget that the web is used by 87% of Internet users today to research goods and services and that extra knowledge is not available anywhere else. So do give the visitor something worthwhile. Ask yourself while designing a website or any marketing campaign, what as a user am I getting and will it add value to my life, career, business, etc.
(g)Spend considerable time to analyze what the competitors are doing. If they are successful you would know why, and if they are not you would know what to avoid.
(h)Do spend time to make a beautiful web site that is attractive and add value to the visitor, but it will all be wasted effort if it does not make it easy for people to contact your client. Take time to build a site that lets people communicate with the client. Very fundamental, but equally necessary and ignored many a times.
All this sounds great but how and who can implement the strategies. Pay attention to what those old marketing warhorses are saying. Web or not, the fundamentals of marketing remains right there, and companies with experience in marketing and advertising along with providing web development services are best equipped to show you the right and time tested way to do things. These guys may not flaunt the latest PDA or be rather old fashioned in their sense of fashion but they have years of experience building successful campaigns behind them.

The author is an advertising professional who has keen professional interest in web advertising. She works with a web design firms which is also a provider of web development services.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 -

Choosing the Right Keywords For Your Target Market  


In an online home-based business there are many factors that an entrepreneur must be aware of. One thing is the use of SEO writing. But hold your horses; this kind of writing is not as easy as you may think it would be. In reality, writing an article for online home-based businesses needs al lot of patience and determination.
First things first, as you may have known by now that there are certain keywords that "click" to your target market BUT not all keywords can be used to all types of market. There are precautions that must be done when you are going to do an SEO article. Let us enumerate the types of market there is in an online home-based business and the type of keyword that you need to use.
1.Already part of the same business. Use keywords that would help their online business. Keywords like trainings, product names, MLM gurus, how to acquire leads would be best. Because this type of market is already in the business and only needs things to increase their profits.
2. Considering being part of an MLM business. These people are those that are still contemplating whether to pursue and be a part of an online business or not. The best choice of keywords would be company names, leaders and trainings. They need to be well informed on the real deal of the business.
3.Searching for answers/solutions. These are the people who are searching for the solutions for their problem. What they do is compare products. Best keyword choices are those pertaining to names of products, some product reviews; you can even incorporate some of your new products wherein you need to present the unique selling point of it. You need to make them see that these are the best choice and nothing else.
4.Specifically looking for no one else but YOU! Well you should be proud of yourself. These people are after you so you need to be wise on choosing keywords. The best ones are those that have your product names, marketing systems and training systems. Make the most out of it.
There you are the types of markets that you need to bear in mind when choosing the right keywords. It may be hard at first but the point that you are into doing an online home-based business means that you have what it takes and this part would be just like the same aspect - difficult but fulfilling.
So, go and start looking for the right keywords for the right type of market. This will help you to be big into this kind of venture, good luck!

Anette is a business coach and mentor out of Voula, Greece. She assists serious network marketers in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams.

Posted by ProctorBjerre5 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 -