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barbara greene, mann, greene mann
( Canada )

Art Digital; Dessin; Technique Mixte; Multimédia; Peinture; Photographie; Impression




Titre   Feeling like One
Artiste   barbara greene, mann, greene mann
Dessin, Peinture
Technique Mixte, Symbolisme, Art Urbain
Série  Transformations
Taille originale  20" X 24"

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Vues  11247  | Appréciation  0 / 5 (    )

Feeling Like One: describes a Universe where we dwell in the cosmic sense of well being, a feeling dispersed by Ghandi and Buddha. Reminiscent of sitting under the dryer blissfully reading the latest zine.Bathing inb the Ghanges River, children cared for by the Orangantang Mama, or sailed gently to nerw lands in a pod, tumbling fron banguets and spreads of the finest, wharever you desire typye of arrangement and onwards to the next, no cars , sense of hurry, a life of bliss.



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