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Heather Carroll
( Luxembourg )

Design; Mode; Gravure; Installation; Technique Mixte; Photographie; Impression; Sculpture




Titre   Woman, Vianden, Luxembourg. Photo:Andrea Murphy
Artiste   Heather Carroll
Art Urbain
Série  Raptured or Captured
Taille originale  A3

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Vues  12127  | Appréciation  0 / 5 (    )

Is this like an involuntary “beam up” thing? Who could be the perpetrator? Am I going too far with the “alien” thing? Why not another stupid government secret service “terrorist trap” experiment? Jeezz! Don’t even joke about it. Like what or who were these people that got them beamed? Makes you think twice about what you say on your cell phone. Like are we being spied upon through our cell phone conversations? Are we in some sort of cyber McCarthy era? Makes me want to disconnect everything and go and live in a tiny village in Greece with running water and not much else. Not a flat screen or Blueberry in sight. Not even television. You never know. This could be just the beginning. New, quirky technology that shall be perfected in leaps and bounds. And to think people are willingly getting microchip implants! Then again if I DO the Greek village thing it would probably draw attention to me. Makes me shudder.



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