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( United States )

Art Digital; Dessin; Technique Mixte; Multimédia; Peinture




Titre   The Homeless Millionaire
Artiste   Bud LaROSA
Expressionisme, Réalisme, Surréalisme, Art Urbain
Série  N/A
Taille originale  18"X24"

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Vues  8474  | Appréciation  3,5 / 5 (  58   )

An example of how appearances can be deceiving.

Richard was homeless in the city of New York.

But he was also a multi-millionaire!

Looking through the photos of Walters` life, you see a military man, a successful aeronautical engineer, a philanthropist.

"He was private, extremely frugal, non-materialistic," remembers friend Rita B.

But Walters also lived a mysterious life.

Rita first met him at a Scottsdale senior center.

She knew Walters for years before discovering he was homeless by choice.

"I had no clue he was a multi-millionaire. That just blew me away."

Walters never married or had children.

After retirement, he decided to let go of material possessions.

"I think he wanted to experience a different type of life," saysRita.

Walters died two years ago at age 76, leaving about $4 million to both a Catholic mission.

Oils on Museum canvas 08/09



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