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Markus Meier
( Switzerland )




Titel   fair trade - 2009
Künstler   Markus Meier
Urbane Kunst
Serie  Keine Angaben
Originalgröße  16×12 inch 405×305 mm

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Ansicht(en)  5430  | Gesamtwertung  0 / 5 (    )

acrylic painting on caleria acrylic pad sheet, 3000gsm 140lb 100 acid free winsor newton, 16×12 inch 405×305 mm

everybody wants to be treated fair and yes that should be a human right. first you have to start with yourself. In finding out who you really are you can honor your awarness, the light in you. you fell lucky if you tread others as well as you want to be treated.
not all trade is fair! farmers and workers at the beginning of the chain don’t always get a fair share of the benefits of trade. fairtrade enables consumers to put this right.
fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional trade and is based on a partnership between producers and consumers. fairtrade offers producers a better deal and improved terms of trade. this allows them the opportunity to improve their lives and plan for their future. fairtrade offers consumers a powerful way to reduce poverty through their
every day shopping.
if fair trade certification would get a global standard it would result in less profits for big trade concerns but for much better living standards in developing countries. consuming countries should/could start with a fair trade tax for goods that aren't traded fair and aren't produced sustainable. global trade companies would have to change to fair trade conditions.

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