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Philhelm Philhelm
( France )




Titel   B155 - Antique Achaemenid hunting - 2011.
Künstler   Philhelm Philhelm
Serie  Babylonien
Originalgröße  95 cm diamètre

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Ansicht(en)  10154  | Gesamtwertung  0 / 5 (    )

OIL ON CANVAS - His presentation without high or low standard, and its kinetic rotational gives it a certain symbolism that I let you analyze if need be!. Another feature, in contrast Achaemenid elements around the canvas, the central birds are Assyrian faithful to their original representation. For those who want to know more about the different components present in the table, and this, in the opposite direction of clockwise, starting at the bottom near the signature, we have a Neo-Elamite rider shooting an arrow A Tree of Life, a lion fighting, a new Tree of Life, a monster deified, seen as a stranger among the Egyptian God, because from Arabia, it is "Bes", sometimes represented lifting and strangling two red deer, to get their wood for an apotropaic reason, function still used today by some shamans to deflect danger and protect their sponsors. (Dixit Leon Heuzey, archaeologist 1879). Follows a new Tree of Life, you will notice the wide variety of them! Comes a new Neo-Elamite rider with a spear against a lion fighting, followed by a second more peaceful. Then we find a single plant with its root, but more often represented at arm's reach of the Mesopotamian goddess of vegetation. Then a female anthropomorphic scorpion, one last Tree of Life, another anthropomorphic male bird royal appearance. Recall that in Mesopotamia, when we find two characters in front of a Tree of Life is to signify their desire to achieve or acquire immortality. To complete the loop, we find a lotus bud which differs from the Egyptian symbol always presenting the flower or the whole plant. Leave the edge to move towards the center across a marine space with a sacred symbol in a diamond shape, especially in the recurring glyptic of the time, but whose meaning was never really solved, sometimes referred to as the eye God sees everything. A fish, which as you know is for the Mesopotamian origin of humanity. The heart of the table ends up with six Assyrian birds.

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