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CHANGES      Exhibition in cooperation with

Exhibition: October 28 -  November 20 2011          
Regular exhibition opening hours 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.The CCRN is located at 28, rue Münster - L 2160 Luxembourg. 
Tél.: (+352) 26 20 52 1 Read about the CCRN   (see map)


Call 2011 : Changes

Stories are about changes. How a person got from A to B is how they changed from state A to state B. Occasionally it will be political, how a leader rose or fell, and similar news, but in stories, in novels, and art- we ask- what is the real story? How does that affect me? or individuals within the collective whole? If we are global villagers now, as Marshall McLuhan predicted, then our experience is as humble and unique as any villager anywhere. Nature brought many of the changes this year. Earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis, and storms. Global warming brings changes of climate that were once the realm of science fiction. The exhibition "Changes" was partially inspired by Wikileaks, and the Arab Spring. That was only the jumping off point. Politics was only a small part of what we are looking for. Changes can mean many, many things, and we hoped that artists would find unusual ways of depicting change, in any and every way. If an artist has a question about the appropriateness of an idea, by all means send it to us. It does not mean approval, but we would discuss relevance and suggest alternatives.
Frank Shifreen, New York.

The last 12 months have been revealed a powerful movement of freedom and transparency that has emerged via the internet. It influenced people throughout the world, especially in the middle east to challenge tradition and custom in ways not before seen on this scale. Authoritarian governments tightly controlled information and news for decades without serious challenge. The first chinks in their armor was initiated through social media sites. Social networking sites, smart phones, flash mobs are the core engines that have powered these mass movements throughout the world.They became tools for social action.

Wikileaks published American cables that candidly revealed secrets about International governments, including the Ben Ali family that ruled Tunisia for 30 years. These cables, exposing the greed of the Ben Ali family were publicized, Tunisians were outraged. The greed of ruling families throughout the Mideast is legendary, but independent verification was the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak. Two autocratic governments have already fallen and several more seem to be at their end.

Economic pressures effected world economies. The fury of people who have been denied opportunity and freedom in this difficult climate was magnified by social networking sites that allowed them to communicate their dissatisfaction and plan protests, to get the word out.

CultureInside is a social networking site for artists. We hope that the same social currency that allowed people to use facebook to politically organize will allow visual artists, a small but important subculture, to organize for mutual support and the creation of an international community that can bypass traditional art world elitism and structures.

Art is a litmus test for freedom in modern society. If images can be openly created and shared, then the complex ideas behind them often not even consciously known, are a part of the zeitgeist.

We from CultureInside want to create an exhibition called Changes, that celebrated this time of change.

What can artists bring to the table. What perceptions underly this transformation. The People of Egypt and Tunisia are celebrating.

Wikileaks is in disarray and Julian Assange, It's founder is facing charges, the private who leaked the cables is facing life in prison and is held in solitary in a military brig. The drama of this story and its implications would be strange for fiction if it were not true and being played out in current events. Text by Frank Shifreen, NYC

The organisators ask to submitted theme related art..The curators will review up to 8 images from artists applying to participate. Sculptors can participate for free (to submit sculptures, please ask for free access by mail), the winning sculptures will be integrated in the virtual show and the book. Artists can also send videos. Winning videos will be shown during the exhibition. Up to 40 winning works will be selected plus videos and sculptures.

The organizers want to encourage art and new art creation. Therefore galleries already submitted to former CULTUREINSIDE contests will not be accepted in the competition.

Our partner for the real brick and mortar exhibition is the Centre Culturel de Rencontres Abbaye de Neumünster. The Abbaye is one of Luxembourg's historic areas on the list of Unesco’s world heritages, today a prestigious exhibition space in Luxembourg-city.  



The call is closed. The winners are announced. Go >


• This call is running until August 31, 2011.

• Accepted art is all visual arts, also videos. The contest is open to artists, photographers & art students worldwide and is judged by visuals submitted online in a CULTUREINSIDE gallery of the artist.

• Each participating artist can propose up to 8 images, or less. Dimensions of the proposed works are limited, Ideal image size for some walls 50 x 70 / 75 cm, 60 x 80, 70 x 90 .... , maximum heigth and/or width proposed : 120 cm (47 inches).  Minimum size 40 cm. In case of special dimensions/questions, contact us by mail.  

• An international curatorial committee composed of art professionals selects up to 40 winning entries to be exhibited in the show, plus video plus sculptures.

• At the inauguration one of the winning artists will be honored by CULTUREINSIDE Art Award 2011.

• All winning artists will profit from a free one-year-subscription to the Artist promotion Services APS.

• The exhibition is running from October 28 to November 20, 2011.

• A book will be published about call and exhibition. 

Our partner for the real brick and mortar exhibition is the Centre Culturel de Rencontres Abbaye de Neumünster. The Abbaye is one of Luxembourg's historic areas on the list of Unesco’s world heritages, today a prestigious exhibition space in Luxembourg-city.

Awards include: exhibition participation in the historic Abbaye de Neumünster.  40 winning entries will be selected for physical exhibition from October 28 - November 20, 2011. Major  Online promotion and publicity in newspaper and magazines. Major marketing for the complete show, integration of the show in the special Cultureinside page of Featured shows. CULTUREINSIDE produces a book about the event in which each winning artist will be presented. The winning works will also be presented in the online show. A printed catalog will be produced for the show. 

Special Prize: A main winner will be honored by the 2010 Trophy at the opening of the exhibtion.

CULTUREINSIDE publishes a book about the event.


Competition 2010 EUTOPIA

August 31, 2011 deadline for contest submission, midnight  CET
September 22, 2011

winners  will be announced.

October 28, 2011 - November 20, 2011

Exhibition CHANGES at the Centre Culturel de Rencontres, Abbaye de Neumünster,  Luxembourg;